Fred Norris Once Played an Apathetic Smoke Shop Owner on ‘Law & Order: SVU’
Fred Norris Once Played an Apathetic Smoke Shop Owner on ‘Law & Order: SVU’
Relive the historic career moment on Howard 100

On Jan. 30, 2013, Fred Norris gave one of the most convincing performances of his career as an entertainer — and this time it wasn’t behind a soundboard in the Howard Stern studio.
That performance, of course, was a cameo in an episode of “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” sinisterly entitled “Criminal Hatred.” Fred played an apathetic smoke shop owner named Leon who had to answer to detectives Tutuola and Rollins after selling some merchandise to a customer whose identity didn’t quite match up to the credit card he used for his purchase. Here’s how Fred handled the encounter.
First he offered them a look of confusion.

Then Fred tried to downplay the situation.

Finally he submitted, realizing he was no match for the elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

Catch the full episode of “Law & Order: SVU” on Netflix (Season 14, Episode 12) and be sure to tune in to Howard 100 on Thursday to hear Howard, Robin, and the staff relive this historic moment in Fred’s acting career, along with more great moments from the Stern Show!