Best Phony Phone Call of 2016 Bracket
Best Phony Phone Call of 2016 Bracket
You decide which Stern Show prank call was the funniest of the year

Some of the Stern Show’s funniest phony phone calls ever came out this past year, but it was up to YOU the fan to decide which one got the title of Best in 2016. Thousands of votes were cast throughout the week and a champion has emerged. The winner of the Best Phony Phone Call of 2016 is…
Flirty Gary!
With countless calls to choose from this year, narrowing the field down to eight was no easy feat. Check out how each matchup played out and listen back to all of your favorite calls (below). And be sure to tune in to the Stern Show in 2017 as the phony phone calls keep ringing.
#6 Flirty Gary Smooth-Talks a Radio Host – 59%
#8 Angry Political Radio Guy Gets an Imitator – 41%

The final matchup is set! Flirty Gary smooth-talked his way into the championship, facing off against some fierce competition in Angry Political Guy. Listen to each call and then pick which one you think should win the title Best Phony Phone Call of 2016!
#4 Gary Questions a Woman Named Alexa – 41%
#8 Angry Political Radio Guy Gets an Imitator – 59%

The voice of Gary Dell’Abate is back for the second semifinal, taking on fan favorite Angry Political Radio Guy Gets an Imitator. Both prank calls had double-digit wins in Round 1 but which one will move on to the championship? Listen and vote!
#2 Jon Hein Calls a TV Store – 24%
#6 Flirty Gary Smooth-Talks a Radio Host – 76%

Co-hosts of the Wrap Up Show meet in the first semifinal matchup as second-seeded Jon Hein Calls a TV Store faces off against Flirty Gary A.K.A. Baba Bizzle. No denying hearing drops of Jon Hein talk about TV is funny but the Flirty Gary call seems to have some serious fan support behind it – so much so that it was even able to take down Lee Kingsnatch in the first round.
Round 1
#4 Gary Questions a Woman Named Alexa – 57%
#5 Gene Wilder’s Death Saddens Stern Show Characters – 43%

After audio of Gary asking his Amazon Echo questions surfaced, it was only a matter of time before a phony phone call was made to someone named Alexa. The woman who got the call from the inquisitive Stern Show executive producer tried her hardest to provide him with as many answers as she possibly could.
The death of legendary actor Gene Wilder saddened his fans worldwide, but one family (made up of several Stern Show characters and audio drops) didn’t hear he had passed until this radio show told them.
#3 Lee Kingsnatch’s First Prank Call to Cathi – 46%
#6 Flirty Gary Smooth-Talks a Radio Host – 54%

Lee Kingsnatch made a big splash in 2016 with his Japanese language lessons, so of course his first call to internet radio host Cathi had to be included. Hopefully she continues to take his calls in the new year.
Few women can resist the charm of Flirty Gary, but one radio host wasn’t receptive to any of his advances. Maybe she’s just not looking to get into a relationship right now.
#2 Jon Hein Calls a TV Store – 61%
#7 Christian Radio Show Prays for ‘American Psycho’ Patrick Bateman – 39%

Jon Hein is a lover of all things TV and even coined the phrase “Jump the Shark.” But when cuts from his audiobook call up a woman at a television store, the conversation quickly turned into one hilarious confusion.
Patrick Bateman has killed dozens of people, but according to a group on a Christian radio show, Jesus will forgive the “American Psycho” character no matter how many sins he confesses to on air.
#1 Howard Calls an Oil Company – 39%
#8 Angry Political Radio Guy Gets an Imitator – 61%

After Howard announced he would be staying on at SiriusXM for another five years, the guys took the tape of that day’s show and called an oil company. “Uncle Howard” then tells the kind phone representative that he’ll be re-signing a new five-year contract with them, much to her confusion.
This angry political talk show host gets even angrier after getting a call from someone who sounds just like him.