Show Rundown: February 1, 2017
Howard Stern Wins Best Hair in America Award for Third Straight Year
Howard Stern Wins Best Hair in America Award for Third Straight Year
The Weeknd, Jared Leto, and Zayn Malik all runners-up to the King of All Media

Once again, Howard Stern’s hair is being named the best in the nation. Michael Gilman, the CEO of, presented Howard with his Best Hair in America award on Wednesday’s Stern Show, making this the third straight year the King of All Media has won the top honor.
“I feel like I’m the Tom Hanks of hair,” Howard said of his three-peat.
“You’re Meryl Streep,” cohost Robin Quivers told him. “You dominate in this category.”
Forty barbers voted on who in Hollywood they thought had the best hair and Howard beat out other well-coifed celebs The Weeknd, Jared Leto, Zayn Malik, and Oscar Isaac.
“I am proud of this award,” Howard said. “Where most people shun this award and think it’s a phony-baloney award, I put some weight behind this. I give this gravitas. I think it’s important.”
“This is a serious award,” Gilman told Howard. “The same people who make the Golden Globe award made this award for you.”
Howard’s hair was recognized for its health, versatility, uniqueness, and hair-to-face ratio.
“That’s for sure me — face is my enemy, not hair,” Howard joked. “There’s a battle going on between my hair and my face.”

Mike Gilman didn’t come to the Stern Show alone, however. His publicist Heather was also on hand to present Howard his award and several of the guys on staff were taken with her beauty.
“Why is Mike here? Why don’t they just send Heather to give you the award?” Jason Kaplan asked.
Howard took a moment to express his gratitude to those in his life who’ve made his hair great throughout the years. “I would like to thank Robin who always admires my hair,” he said. “And even when my hair wasn’t so good, she kind of even still loved me.”
“I’m not going to thank Fred,” Howard continued. “Because what did he have to do with any of this?”
Fred filled him in on just how much he had to do with this award — without him, Howard might not have even won. “It was an email that was sent to the show and I forwarded that email,” Fred explained. “I thought it might be a good segment and it is.”
“Oh, then I’m going to thank Fred,” Howard said with a laugh.
Hear Howard’s full acceptance speech (below).
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