Show Rundown: August 1, 2017
Jeremy Renner Does His Own Stunts, Builds His Own Houses, But Doesn’t Enjoy Watching His Own Movies
Underdog Dons ‘Sunny Suzy the Sunshine Mermaid’ Costume for Her 24th Coney Island Parade
Underdog Dons ‘Sunny Suzy the Sunshine Mermaid’ Costume for Her 24th Coney Island Parade
“Stay a few paces back,” she scolds a pirate-costumed Shuli Egar marching behind her

For the 24th year in a row, Suzanne “Underdog” Muldowney returned to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade, this year dressed as “Sunny Suzy the Sunshine Mermaid” while accompanied by Stern Show staffer Shuli Egar.
Underdog’s list of approved costumes includes the likes of Catwoman, Irish Cinderella, the Ghost King, and Vlad the Impaler in addition to her namesake Underdog. While she was hesitant to let Shuli march with her in the parade, she eventually relented.
“It’s literally a parade of one,” Shuli told Howard on Tuesday. “The deal with her marching is she spaces herself out accordingly where she’s not involved with the other marchers.”
Unfortunately the day got off to a rough start after Suzanne’s travel accommodations caused her to be a bit late, leading to some concerns about lunch. “Every time I’ve gone with her somewhere, she has a freak-out about something,” Shuli explained. Things quickly got back in order once the duo reached Coney Island, however.
In order to be seen with Suzanne, Shuli was forced to choose a costume for himself. He ultimately settled on being a pirate, which seemed to please Suzanne.
“Were pirates ever renowned for going after mermaids?” she asked. “Because if you’re trying to catch me you’ll need a fish net.”

The costume didn’t exempt Shuli from following a strict set of rules, though. “Stay a few paces back,” she scolded him on numerous occasions.
Throughout the course of the parade, there were a multitude of distractions which Suzanne found to be simply inappropriate. For one, many of the other participants were scantily clad.
“Her breasts are practically bare … she should be banned,” Suzanne said of one woman.
Moreover, there are still many people who shout out Stern Show-related phrases when they see Suzanne. “I’m afraid the people who make a point of mocking me earn points towards hell,” she confided in Shuli at one point during the day.
Nonetheless, Suzanne did concede that she would consider attending a parade thrown by Howard so long as everyone’s costumes remained “family friendly.”
With her parade duties complete, Suzanne made her way to a Mister Softee truck and explained to Shuli how she likes her milkshakes. “I don’t go for all those particles in the shake,” she said of flavors like cookies and cream. “I like a smooth, creamy consistency with no lumps.”
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Fans can rest assured that Suzanne won’t be retiring from the parade circuit anytime soon. With her 25th year at the Coney Island Mermaid Parade approaching, Suzanne maintained she’ll continue marching until she no longer has the stamina to get through the routes.