Show Rundown: January 31, 2017
After Faking an Orgasm, Stern Show Staffer Memet Might ‘Take a Break’ From Dating
Audio: Wack Pack Plays the Joe Buck Telephone Game
Audio: Wack Pack Plays the Joe Buck Telephone Game
Hear High Pitch Erik, Bigfoot, Tan Mom, and Wendy the Slow Adult try to “pass it on”

Before leaving the studio Monday morning, Fox sportscaster Joe Buck participated in a dynamic edition of the Telephone Game, featuring a few members of the Wack Pack, including High Pitch Erik, Bigfoot, Tan Mom, and Wendy the Slow Adult.
The original message reminded fans to tune in for the big game on Feb. 5: “Hey this is Joe Buck. Make sure to watch Super Bowl LI this Sunday on Fox. It should be a thrilling matchup between the AFC’s New England Patriots and the NFC’s Atlanta Falcons. Pass it on.”
While High Pitch Erik managed to pass the message on more or less intact, the next Wack Packer in line, Bigfoot, was “super high” since “it’s like a party 24-7,” leading to an alteration on the content of the note. However, it wasn’t until Tan Mom that things truly began to devolve.
Hear the complete Joe Buck Telephone Game (below).