Show Rundown: September 16, 2019
Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell’Abate, and Steve Brandano See Peter Frampton Come Alive at Madison Square Garden
Sal Governale Believes His Dead Dog Cinnamon ‘Visited’ Him in His Sleep
Sal Governale Believes His Dead Dog Cinnamon ‘Visited’ Him in His Sleep
“She licked my face and it felt extremely real,” the Stern Show staffer tells Howard
Sal Governale’s family had to say goodbye to their beloved dog Cinnamon last year after the cockapoo passed away. However, the Stern Show staffer revealed on Monday morning that Cinnamon recently came to him in a dream just one day before the anniversary of her death.
“My dog visited me in a dream. It was a beautiful thing,” Sal said on air.
Howard and Robin both assumed Sal just had a vision of his dog while sleeping but he told them it was much more than that. “It’s called a visitation if somebody passes away and visits you.”
He’s certain the soul of his actual dog appeared to him because Cinnamon was glowing. He also described how true to life the experience was. “I leaned into my dog and she licked my face and it felt extremely real,” Sal continued.
It’s not only in the afterlife that Cinnamon has sent Sal a message, either – she also communicated with him during her time on Earth. Right before his dog died, Sal explained how Cinnamon seemed to be telling him it was her time to go and saying one last goodbye.
“She came up to me, she put her paws on my knees, and looked at me,” Sal recalled while getting choked up. Moments after that interaction, Cinnamon died.
While Sal is no stranger to paranormal activity, Howard wondered if any other deceased souls had ever tried to contact him. The closest Sal’s ever come to connecting with an actual person in the afterlife was a dream he once had about his grandparents, though he doesn’t believe that was an official visitation since they weren’t glowing like Cinnamon.
“I gotta say, I really do love having you work for me. You endlessly entertain me,” Howard said with a laugh.

Howard has long been a skeptic of supernatural experiences. So much so that he and former Stern Show guest Valerie Harper came up with a secret word before she passed so that the TV legend could try and contact him from the great beyond. Nearly a dozen psychics recently tried to guess the word with each one coming up with something different.
Take a listen to some of their psychic readings in the audio clip (below).