Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: September 20, 2019
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: September 20, 2019
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
September 19, 2019
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1. “My dog ‘visited’ me in a glowing form in my arms … I leaned into my dog and she licked my face and it felt extremely real.” _______ on having a visitation from their late dog
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
2. “Not living beyond your means is having all your credit cards paid off every month, money in your checking and in your savings, and you can still pay cash for the Gucci belt.” _______ in a text to Howard over their concern about JD’s finances
Jimmy Kimmel
Natalie Maines
Ryan Phillippe
Jeff Probst
3. “I’m probably going to switch doctors because I gotta get someone to stick his finger up my ass.” _______ on being overdue for a prostate exam
Howard Stern
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Jason Kaplan
4. “A friend of mine was quite taken with Fred. She thought he was wonderful. I had to sit there and listen to how wonderful Fred was the next day.” _______ on how charming their friend found Fred Norris while at the Peter Frampton concert
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Jon Hein
Steve Brandano
5. “It’s my birthday. You want me to say nice things about you? No way!” _______ getting upset during a phone call with Stern Show staffer Benjy Bronk
Ronnie Mund
Mariann from Brooklyn
6. “I just had to go into the bathroom just to wash my mouth out with soap and water.” _______ on a bad intimate experience they had with an ex-girlfriend
Fred Norris
Brent Hatley
Chris Wilding
High Pitch Eric
7. “I went out to the kitchen to get a drink. I made a bagel, wrapped it up nicely, put it down on the filing cabinet … I come back, the bagel’s all unwrapped, the paper towels gone.” _______ on the unsolved mystery of whether one of his co-workers messed with his breakfast
Richard Christy
Ronnie Mund
Brent Hatley
Will Murray
8. “At 12 years old I wanted to write for ‘Saturday Night Live’.” _______ when asked by Howard what his childhood dream was
Chris Wilding
Benjy Bronk
JD Harmeyer
High Register Sean
9. “The silence literally was deafening. It was so loud, because I had headphones on all day and my head ached and so I’d get there and lay down on my cot, lights out at 10.” _______ recalling the time they rented a room in a monastery many years ago
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Richard Christy
Shuli Egar
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