Show Rundown: January 21, 2020
Show Rundown: January 21, 2020
Howard and Robin take a blind listener's request for an audio-only porn scene

Howard and his co-host Robin Quivers were fascinated Tuesday morning by a recent news story involving a deaf person suing PornHub, alleging the website’s failure to provide closed captioning for some of its adult videos violated the Americans with Disabilities Act.
“I remember you used to be embarrassed to say you jerked off, now people are suing over it,” Howard said, revealing the porno named in the lawsuit was called “Hot Step-Aunt Babysits Disobedient Nephew.”
“I think PornHub always thought we could get away with anything here, nobody’s gonna turn us in,” Robin agreed. “Turns out that this is the age of no shame.”
While deaf people do have the option of viewing some porn with subtitles, Robin and Howard wondered how individuals with other disabilities were able to partake. “It now brings up the question, what do blind people do for pornography?” she asked.
As Howard and Robin later learned, PornHub also offers highly descriptive, audio-only porn for its blind users. They even found a few steamy examples to play. But a blind Stern Show fan named Gordy called in later and revealed he prefers listening to standard porn, explaining the description-heavy variety doesn’t really get him going. “It sounds like a National Geographic announcer, too,” he said, “You need somebody’s sexy voice like Robin.”
Lucky for the caller, Robin and Howard were happy to oblige. “Robin and I will act out something for you,” Howard said with a laugh.
The caller took him up on the offer and even gave the duo a scenario to act out: Howard would play a photographer and Robin would play the model he’s trying to seduce. Listen to a clip of their performance (below) and hear the whole segment on the SiriusXM app!