Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 22, 2020
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 22, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
May 22, 2020
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1. “We can switch, we can get other friends, but they’re going to have annoying things too … and changing all the numbers on the phone is what makes it not worth doing.” _______ on why they keep friends who agitate them around
Howard Stern
Jerry Seinfeld
David Spade
Robin Quivers
2. “I don’t always smell when I sweat.” _______ defending the fact that they sometimes don’t shower after exercising
Richard Christy
JD Harmeyer
Sal Governale
Memet Walker
3. “I don’t talk that much. I try to wait to have something to say, but it’s fun. Everyone talks about different things and then you just sort of fade out.” _______ on participating in celebrity Zoom calls
Howard Stern
Jerry Seinfeld
David Spade
Gary Dell’Abate
4. “It’s like a trombone … it’s never ending.” _______ describing how their significant other farts at night
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
Memet Walker
Mary (Memet’s Girlfriend)
5. “My family is locked away in the bunker, but I’ve made the hard choice to continue working.” _______ detailing how they’re handling the COVID-19 pandemic
Tan Mom
Medicated Pete
High Register Sean
Mark the Bagger
6. “I ain’t gonna let this ‘boon’ get to me … it’s my word, don’t worry about it.” _______ using an original word to describe a co-worker they had an altercation with
Ronnie Mund
Chris Wilding
Derek Jones
Mike Fox
7. “‘Breaking Bad!’ I’ve watched it five to ten times, over and over and over again.” _______ offering their opinion on what the greatest TV show of all time is
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Jon Hein
8. “I received a crazy email saying that he has video of me masturbating, he has one or two days of my porn history.” _______ describing the recent threat he received from a supposed hacker
High Pitch Erik
Ham Hands Bill
Jeff the Drunk
Medicated Pete
9. “It’s a craft beer that I drink … It’s called Morning Wood, it’s really good shit.” _______ on the alcoholic beverage they enjoyed during a recent staff virtual happy hour
Gary Dell’Abate
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Jason Kaplan
You got0 of9correct.