Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 26, 2020
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 26, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
June 26, 2020
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1. “It’s the thing that I work the hardest at. It’s the thing that I put all of my energy into. It’s the one thing I don’t give myself a break on.” _______ on their philosophies as a parent
Charlize Theron
Jon Stewart
Dr. Agus
Gary Dell’Abate
2. “You are going to rot in hell, I put the malochia on you until the day you die.” _______ threatening to put a spell on an adversary
High Pitch Erik
Mariann from Brooklyn
High Register Sean
3. “What I get joy from is making things … generally, I’m better at making things that are humorous than are not and sometimes the things I make disappoint, sometimes they don’t.” _______ discussing how they approach their career
Howard Stern
Charlize Theron
Jon Stewart
Michael Rapaport
4. “All these years you get beat up and then somebody says they like you – I’m not used to this.” _______ on their emotional reaction to a young fan’s praise
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
JD Harmeyer
Jason Kaplan
5. “I sold vacuum cleaners door-to-door for about three weeks. I sold all of one.” _______ on an odd job they briefly held in the early days
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
Gary Dell’Abate
6. “There’s a fuckin’ asshole who got my fuckin’ phone number. He calls my house, he calls my fuckin’ cell phone … you hear this shit?” _______ on the recent harassing phone calls they’ve been getting
Gary Dell’Abate
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Chris Wilding
7. “I got the normal blood, I’ve got good blood.” _______ on their failed attempt to donate blood recently
High Pitch Erik
Jeff the Drunk
Tan Mom
8. “I used to put ’em in my pants and light ’em … I took an empty toilet paper roll and filled it with gun powder … the thing exploded right in my hand and blew a big hole in our floor.” _______ recalling some of their experiences as a youth with fireworks
Richard Christy
Sal Governale
Shuli Egar
Memet Walker
9. “I fell down yesterday, I had to call 911 again … I tried calling my niece but she was away camping.” _______ revealing the recent spill that resulted in them calling emergency services
High Pitch Erik
Jeff the Drunk
Wendy the Slow Adult
Marfan Mike
You got0 of9correct.