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What Did the Wack Pack Do During Their Summer Vacations?
What Did the Wack Pack Do During Their Summer Vacations?
From communicating with ghost parents to lavish living, here's what they got into over the break
The summer break might have been just two short months but for members of the Wack Pack that was plenty of time for some big changes. On Monday morning, Howard updated his listeners on what several Wack Packers had been up to since he last checked in with them on the air.
High Pitch Erik continues to enjoy the fruits of his Cameo labor, still smoking fine cigars and recently taking up golf. “The flavor is very good, it’s like a dark cigar,” he noted of his stogie at one tasting. “It’s from Honduras and it’s a great flavor and it [has] hints of espresso … it goes good with like bourbon or scotch.”
“I wonder if he knows where Honduras is?” co-host Robin Quivers wondered.

Last we heard from Wendy the Slow Adult she and her family were driving around the Southeastern part of the country looking for a new home. While they were able to purchase a house in Georgia, it evidently is challenging for Wendy to get around in. “The only place I could fit through is the room that’s by the kitchen, this room, and the living room,” she told Stern Show staffer Wolfie from her home. “My brother … he had to knock down a wall to make room for me.”
Despite the confined spaces, the residence isn’t too small for at least one guest—the spirt of Wendy’s deceased father. “My cat can see my daddy and I can see him too,” she revealed. “We can see his ghost spirit … the other night my dad knocked a couple of things over in my room.”
Mariann from Brooklyn called in to brag about her new ink. “I got a tattoo!” she beamed before explaining her latest Howard-inspired work is an ode to when she helped announce the renewal of his contract late last year. “[From] when I opened the safe … my fist, my ‘All I Need’, and my 69-39.”

Meanwhile, Ass Napkin Ed seems to have picked up right where he left off since before the break—with major fecal issues. “I blew a fart and shit my pants while I was walking to the store,” he confessed. “I thought I was going to blow a fucking fart and then instead of air the juice just came out.”

For Jeff the Drunk, the break was filled with challenges. “I had a bunch of health issues all summer,” he noted to Howard over the phone. “I had my cataract taken out of my left eyeball; my right ear is clogged shut. I put my finger in there and there’s a bunch of wax.”
To make matters even worse, Jeff was hired to promote a Las Vegas nightspot and drew practically no visitors. “The guy that hired me … he got fired the day after I left,” he admitted before revealing at least one person recognized him during an autograph session. “One kid said, ‘Hey, I don’t know you, but my mother does.’”
Howard and co-host Robin Quivers also took a moment to remember the husband of Tan Mom, who recently passed away after battling a myriad of health issues. “I think the marriage was just on the rocks, but he was devoted to her,” Howard said of Richard, whom Tan Mom nearly always referred to as “Driver.” “I believe he’s in a better place.”