AUDIO: Chris Wilding Spent Years Perfecting His Blue Iris Impression
AUDIO: Chris Wilding Spent Years Perfecting His Blue Iris Impression
“The voice changed my life,” Stern Show staffer explains before debuting latest “Buddy and Mildred” call

If Chris Wilding’s elderly character Mildred has sounded familiar, it’s with good reason. On Monday morning, the Stern Show staffer admitted that the voice is taken directly from Blue Iris, the late Wack Packer and porn star with a very distinct voice. “I was a fan … I loved Blue Iris,” he remarked to Howard on Monday morning. “When I heard Blue Iris on the show, like the voice changed my life. I would do it at like parties for people. We’d like prank call people.”
“He’s got it down,” co-host Robin Quivers observed with approval. “Iris, she always sounded like she was out of breath.”
In a side-by-side comparison with sound clips from the actual Blue Iris, Chris demonstrated how uncanny his impression is.
For the latest call with Mildred and her senior citizen boy toy Buddy, the duo phoned a radio show to get the host’s legal advice on oral sex while driving.
“Be careful,” he warned. “I don’t want to be responsible for any car accidents.”
Unfortunately, that’s precisely what happened. “She bit off my fucking cock,” Buddy complained of Mildred. “She’s choking on my fucking cock. I got an idea; I’m going to hit the brakes.”
Things only get wilder when a police officer (also voiced by Wilding) pulls the couple over and Mildred offers to service him as well.
Listen to the full call (below).