Natalie From Australia Talks Phone Sex With Apples and Flying to the States to Visit Jeff the Drunk
Natalie From Australia Talks Phone Sex With Apples and Flying to the States to Visit Jeff the Drunk
Caller from Down Under also discusses her relationship with Wack Packer Ass Napkin Ed

Ronnie “the Limo Driver” Mund and frequent Stern Show caller Apples got into yet another spat on the air Tuesday morning, sparring this time over Apple’s alleged romantic shortcomings. “His love life is total fucking garbage,” Ronnie said. “He stalks girls on Twitter, and he tries to get them to come to Colorado and visit him.”
“My girlfriend would not like that,” Apples assured Howard, explaining Ronnie was referring to an Australian woman named Natalie he’d befriended online but most certainly hadn’t offered to fly out to Colorado.
Natalie from Australia was happy to call into the show herself and clear everything up. “Apples really wanted me to come over to the States,” she said, explaining he didn’t promise to pay for her but did offer to look after her while she was here. “He was pretty forward … and it made me feel a little bit uncomfortable sometimes … He wanted me to move in with him,” she continued, shortly before revealing she’d had phone sex with Apples and faked her orgasm.
Ronnie’s colleague Chris Wilding then chimed in to reveal Natalie had already flown to the States to visit a different Stern Show caller: Jeff the Drunk. “I think she may be a bit of a hangers-on to members of the show,” Wilding suggested.
“I had a genuine friendship with Jeff,” Natalie retorted, explaining she’d hung out with the Wack Packer in his trailer. “I felt bad with him. How could you not?”
Jeff the Drunk then called in to share his side of the story. “She’s a fan of the show. That’s all she is,” he said. “She just wants attention.”
Fellow Wack Packer Ass Napkin Ed added credence to that theory when he called in to reveal he too had chatted up Natalie. “She’s still supposed to come visit, but I don’t know what’s going on,” he said before offering to pay for her Hulu subscription.
“Natalie, the only thing I can say is it sounds like you have a creep fetish,” Howard concluded with a laugh. “You play your cards right and I can give you Gary the Conqueror’s number.”