Jason Kaplan Has Lost 53 Pounds so Far in Weight-Loss ‘Journey’
“I don’t even put the mustard on my broccoli anymore,” Stern Show staffer says of his transformation
May 17, 2021
All eyes were on Jason Kaplan Monday when it was revealed the Stern Show staffer has lost 53 pounds since joining a weight-loss program back in January. “Look at Jason’s face,” Howard marveled as his longtime employee showed off his progress. “That belly’s down, look at that.”
Spotting Jason at a formal event recently, colleague Will Murray was taken aback by how big his clothes now look on him. “He’s like wrapping the belt around his waist twice. It looks ridiculous,” he observed. “Like, he could just go buy a pair of pants.”
“I’m in the middle of a journey right now … in two months I hope to be even thinner and need new clothes then,” Jason, who wants to lose a total of 100 pounds, explained of his decision to hold off on buying a new wardrobe. “The thought of being able to wear clothes that fit is amazing … I have a whole drawer of shirts that just stopped fitting that I’ve broken into now and they fit pretty well.”
In addition to exercising on his elliptical machine, the key to Jason’s success has been a complete overhaul on his diet. “I am learning so much about my relationship with food during this entire thing. It made me really realize that I was looking at every meal as an opportunity to celebrate and make myself feel better,” he admitted. “I don’t even put the mustard on my broccoli anymore, now it’s too much taste for me.”
Despite all the accolades, Howard’s stylist Ralph Cirella called in to express his disapproval. “Don’t congratulate him, he stopped eating voluminous amounts of food … that’s what you’re supposed to do,” he insisted before attacking Jason’s verbiage. “Don’t call it a journey, I hate that fucking expression … you lost weight, it’s not a fucking journey.”