Show Rundown: September 16, 2005
Greg Fitzsimmons Makes His 25th Stern Show Appearance
Greg Fitzsimmons Makes His 25th Stern Show Appearance

Comedian, Greg Fitzsimmons, sat in on the news this morning, marking the 25th time he had appeared on the show. Howard revealed that Greg is in negotiations to host the next Adult Video News Awards.
Greg commented that even though the ceremony is for porn stars, everyone involved takes it very seriously. He added that if he ends up doing the gig, he will be responsible for performing new material, all of which must focus on the porn world. Greg noted that getting the audience’s trust will be difficult, given the amount of booze, drugs and sexual tension that will be present. Howard wondered if Greg was hesitant to host the AVN Awards because of the stigma attached to pornography. Greg told him that he didn’t look at any opportunities to perform as being negative. He went on to say that show business is such a difficult industry that people have to do what they can to make it. Greg noted that one of the reasons he loves coming on the show is because Howard is honest and speaks his mind. In a way, Greg thought porno had the same attributes in that it was a no holes barred form of entertainment. Given this, he said he would have no qualms performing at the awards if given the chance.
Giving It a Whirl
Greg talked about his decision as a college student to experiment with homosexuality. Because he had grown up in an Irish Catholic household where he was instructed that being gay was wrong, Greg said he wanted to give it a shot as a form of rebellion. Ready to act on his plan, Greg got drunk one night and stumbled to the part of Boston, that was known as the city’s gay hangout. Greg explained that the area was actually nothing more than a little forest where gay guys went to have sex.
As soon as he arrived, Greg remembered a guy jumped out from behind a tree and exposed himself. Since Greg wasn’t sure if he’d like having sex with a man in the first place, he took it as a sign he wasn’t cut out for the homosexual lifestyle when he was repulsed by the guy’s package. Before he left, Greg pushed the man, who fell and then darted off into the woods. Robin commented that rendition, where the guy got up after Greg knocked him over, was the way Greg wished the story had ended. However, she felt the Boston Police Department may have just solved a case. In an effort to help Greg be sure the gay life was not one for him, Richard Christy offered to expose himself for Greg. Despite Greg’s request that he not, Richard once again dropped his pants in the studio.