Show Rundown: March 25, 2010
Robin Quivers: The Howard Stern Show Ambassador
Sal Governale Has No Sense of Distance
Staff Bathroom Priveleges Revised
Richard Lewis on Toilets, Sex, Larry David
Richard Lewis on Toilets, Sex, Larry David
Comedian stops by and gives his take on the Stern Show restroom situation

Richard Lewis Is a Toilet Elitist
Richard Lewis stopped by to say hi and said he agreed with Gary’s new staff bathroom restrictions: “I’m an elitist when it comes to moving my bowels.”
Howard asked why Richard always wore Nehru jackets, so Richard explained that he’d once seen Lenny Bruce in one and immediately went out and bought 7 or 8 of them: “I’m not a f’ing wack-job, I just like Nehru.”
Howard laughed: “See, I thought you were a fan of the Emperor of Japan.”
Richard shrugged: “I think I’m one of the best-dressed comics that’s ever lived.”
Richard said he recently went out to dinner with Larry David–only to have Larry leave two minutes after ordering tons of food to go play poker with Steve Martin leaving him with all the food and the bill.
Richard added that Larry did call him later to invite him to the poker game, but he declined: “They had an empty seat and had forgot. I was alright with that but I wasn’t gonna go anywhere.”
Howard asked if it was because Richard was insulted, but Richard denied it: “Because imagine their game. ‘Alright, I’ll see that $30,000?'”