Show Rundown: Wednesday October 28, 2015
Bobo’s Question: 5 Years In The Making
Did Captain Janks Blow Gay Ramone?
Gary Had A Bad Night
Gary Had A Bad Night

Gary reportedly had an outrageous experience at a hotel last night, so Howard called him into the studio to explain.
It turned out that he had a charity event last night and the organization also booked him to stay the night at the NY Athletic Club so he didn’t have to go all the way home and back to work this morning.
After the event, Gary watched a bit of the World Series before going to sleep – only to be awoken at 1:40am by knocking at the door.
“I go and I look through the peephole. There’s a guy, around 35 years old with a beard, completely naked, trying to get into my room” Gary recounted.
After calling down to the lobby, Gary screamed, “Get the f-ck out of here!” and the guy bolted. Once hotel staff got to the room, there was no one there. Ultimately they found him on another floor and chased him down … and then called Gary to confirm they had found him around 2am.
Needless to say, Gary was exhausted from the debacle. Howard told him he could’ve stayed at his Manhattan apartment if only Gary hadn’t defriended him on Facebook.