Show Rundown: Wednesday March 2, 2016
‘I Just Wanted to Play Guitar’: Rock Revelations From Peter Frampton
In The Aftermath of Ronnie’s Proposal
Mick the Nerd’s Job Interview Skills
Mick the Nerd’s Job Interview Skills
The Wack Packer Works His Professional Etiquette

Wolfie came through with pure radio gold this morning as he presented tapes of Mick the Nerd attempting to make his way through a practice job interview with a professional versed in hiring Fortune 500 executives.
The woman subjected Mick to a series of typical job interview questions, but the newest Wack Packer’s answers were anything but typical.
In one instance Mick launched into a description of all of his allergies in response to a question as to whether he considered himself a “team player.”
“He overshares,” Wolfie explained.
Later, the interviewer mixed things up a little and asked about the funniest thing that has happened to him recently. “Part of my mustache froze off while I was biking home,” Mick told her.
Furthermore, when questioned about his salary requirements, Mick responded that he would be looking for about $1,000 per month. (Note: On an annual basis, that would be $12,000 per year.)
In one of the more bizarre moments of the faux-interview, Mick was asked what instrument he would be if he were a musical instrument. “A keytar … because I have multiple great things,” he answered before mimicking the noise a keytar makes for quite some time.
Afterwards, Mick left the room and Wolfie asked the interviewer about her reactions to his overall performance. “He’s very honest, almost to a fault,” she told Wolfie, admitting this was “by far” the strangest interview she had ever done.
Asked to rate Mick’s performance on a scale of one to ten, the interviewer replied: “I think maybe it would be close to a one or a two.” She noted that his appearance was particularly disturbing as a superhero shirt was visible through his button-down and his glasses had “a film” that looked like it had been there for far to long.
Later, a caller named John told Howard that he hired Mick after hearing him on the Stern Show because he felt bad. John figured Mick might be able to do some web design work for him, but after giving him access to his website accounts, Mick ghosted him.