Show Rundown: Monday June 27, 2016
Confusion Over Brexit
Benjy Seeks to Wager His Gender in Weight Loss Challenge
High Pitch Erik’s Booming New Voice Message Business
Howard and Beth Get Apple Tattoos
Celebrate 20 Years Since Riley Martin’s First Call
According to a New Study, The Average Penis Size Is …
The Beetlejuice Sex Terms Game
‘Donald Trump’ and ‘Bernie Sanders’ Debate the Issues: ISIS, Executive Orders, and Robin Quivers’ Breasts
Fans Loved the Ronnie Mund Spelling Bee
Gary and Howard Still Aren’t Facebook Friends
Gary and Howard Still Aren’t Facebook Friends
The wound of unfriending still seems to be a little raw

As the news wound down this morning Robin had one final story to discuss. “I wanted to talk about something that Gary put on Facebook actually,” Robin began.
“I wouldn’t know – he unfriended me,” Howard immediately shot back.
Robin explained that the Stern Show executive producer made a post about Aziz Ansari’s New York Times editorial entitled “Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family,” which has been gaining a ton of press lately. “Gary was particularly moved,” she said.
Howard brushed off the post though telling Robin: “I don’t need Gary’s political commentary on my Facebook.”
The wound of unfriending still seems to be a little raw with the King of All Media … but as he reminded listeners, he’s still friends with Mary Dell’Abate!