Show Rundown: September 13, 2016
‘Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Stop the Clock,’ It’s Been 5 Years
Miss America Organization Gave Press Credentials to the Stern Show…Then Took Them Back 24 Hours Later
When Fred Armisen Met a Mac-and-Cheese-Eating Prince at ‘SNL’ After-Party
The Hardest Lorne Michaels Has Ever Laughed: Fred Armisen Playing Gov. David Paterson
Quiz: What Would Richard Christy Lick for $1,000?
#ForWhatItsWorth: Howard Responds to Larry King’s ‘Two Cents’ on Twitter
#ForWhatItsWorth: Howard Responds to Larry King’s ‘Two Cents’ on Twitter
No, his account wasn't hacked ...

After reading a Page Six story about Larry King’s wife allegedly commandeering his Twitter account to send herself romantic tweets, Howard began reading through Larry’s account and immediately became engrossed in the mundane nature of the observations he was publishing under the #mytwocents hashtag.
My favorite Jell-O flavor is lemon and lime…#itsmy2cents
— Larry King (@kingsthings) August 29, 2016
I don’t taste any grape in grapefruit…#ItsMy2Cents
— Larry King (@kingsthings) September 5, 2016
The straw is one of the worlds greatest inventions…#itsmy2cents
— Larry King (@kingsthings) September 12, 2016
“He’s got a lot of thoughts,” a baffled Howard noted before deciding that he could beat the 82-year-old television host at his own game.
“In honor of my Twitter account, today I think I will tweet one an hour because I can be prolific on Twitter with this kind of bullshit,” Howard proclaimed. But instead of tweeting once an hour, the excitement got the better of him and the King of All Media tweeted a personal record of 19 tweets in the just a few minutes.
Check some of his #ForWhatItsWorth thoughts below and catch them all @HowardStern:
I have to take a doody. #forwhatitsworth
— Howard Stern (@HowardStern) September 13, 2016
I like living on earth
— Howard Stern (@HowardStern) September 13, 2016
Clothes keep me warm
— Howard Stern (@HowardStern) September 13, 2016