16-Year-Old Kid From Kuwait Calls Howard to Say How Much He Loves the Stern Show
16-Year-Old Kid From Kuwait Calls Howard to Say How Much He Loves the Stern Show
“Maybe I’ll adopt you,” Howard told his young Middle Eastern fan

Calling all the way from Kuwait on Tuesday’s show was a 16-year-old kid named Slayman who has been listening to the Stern Show for over a decade now. He told Howard he began collecting cassette tapes of the show when he was just 6 and has been a fan ever since.
Slayman told Howard of his aspirations to make it to America someday and Howard responded that he might have a plan.
“Maybe I’ll adopt you,” he told Slayman. “Think of all my Twitter followers. They’ll be so excited.” If he can’t legally adopt Slayman, perhaps they can get him a green card by way of marrying Robin Quivers.
Right now Slayman is studying hard so he can attend college in the U.S. in the hopes of becoming a filmmaker.