Show Rundown: September 27, 2016
Beetlejuice Debuts His New Emoji Pack
Beetlejuice Debuts His New Emoji Pack
Wack Packer also weighs in on who won the first presidential debate

Howard had a surprise guest stop by on Tuesday morning’s Stern Show. While he and Robin were discussing the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Beetlejuice came in and shared who he considered to be the winner between the two presidential candidates.
“I think it was Donald,” Beet told Howard. He also revealed that he was actually at the debate. “I was behind Donald Trump … I was voting right behind him.”
Pretty soon Beetlejuice will also be voting on whether or not Marfan Mike should become an official member of the Wack Pack. High Pitch Erik, who is trying to block Mike’s induction, said earlier this month that he’s already locked up support from several fellow Wack Packers and, on Tuesday, Beetle suggested he might be one of them.
“I don’t think that’s going to happen for him. I don’t think so,” Beetlejuice told Howard about Marfan Mike’s chances at becoming a Wack Packer. Marfan Mike was on the phone to try and win over Beetlejuice, but his persuasion seemed to fall short.
“I like you, man,” Mike told Beetle. “You should vote for me and we can hang out.”
“I like to hang out with you, but I got other things I gotta take care of,” Beetlejuice responded.
“Marfan, I want to see you in the Wack Pack but you’re going to have a tough time, man. You gotta get Beetlejuice on your team,” Howard told Mike. “He’s the key to you getting in. As Beet goes, so goes the rest of the Wack Pack”
Beetlejuice’s Wack Pack fame continues to grow and he announced on Tuesday that he’s getting into the emoji game! Check out his brand new Beetmojis, available now on Android and Apple.