It’s the One Year Anniversary of Gary Dell’Abate Unfriending Howard Stern on Facebook
It’s the One Year Anniversary of Gary Dell’Abate Unfriending Howard Stern on Facebook
Check out what the Stern Show executive producer has been posting now that he has his “privacy”
October 25, 2016

One year ago Howard discovered Stern Show Executive Producer Gary Dell’Abate had unfriended him on Facebook after Baba Booey decided he wanted to take his son Jackson to the World Series without getting ragged on for posting sentimental pictures and messages.
On Tuesday, Howard commemorated the anniversary by reviewing a report put together by Jason Kaplan about what Gary has posted on Facebook in the year since the incident.
Below are some highlights from a year of Gary’s posts:
- On Aug. 19, Gary put up three different posts about the same sunset.
- Gary wrote a post about his new dog Riley, which is a breed known for “climbing up trees.” He proceeded to post a picture of a dog climbing a tree … but it wasn’t his dog.
- Gary posted a video of his neighbor riding around the neighborhood in a horse and carriage.
- Gary took a selfie in which he was jogging and joined a random marathon for a few miles.
- Gary posted about his love of Cheerios, a fact he thought everyone was already aware of.
- Gary loves to post photos with his celebrity friends. “It might’ve been 50 percent of his feed,” according to Jason.
“He loves to share,” Howard commented before thanking Gary sincerely for unfriending him.