Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 17, 2017
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 17, 2017
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual to determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are.
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1. “Everybody’s a Wack Packer to him.” – _________ on Gary
Brent Hatley
Shuli Egar
Sal Governale
Howard Stern
2. “I love the white fur.” – __________ on winter boots fashion
Robin Quivers
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
3. “He’s Rich Little if Rich Little lived in his parents’ basement.” – ___________ on Sour Shoes
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
4. “He’s bringing down my house, literally. Like the walls are shaking.” – _________ on Prince appearing at a party
Robin Quivers
Adam Levine
Howard Stern
Richard Christy
5. “Never! I’m Roman Catholic.” – __________ on converting to Islam
Steve From Florida
Tan Mom
JD Harmeyer
6. “You need to represent the show properly, Gary.” – ___________ on Gary’s televised stand-up attempt
Robin Quivers
Howard Stern
Shuli Egar
Sal Governale
7. “I’m imagining that the witness will be a buffalo or something.” – ____________ on JD’s wedding guest list
Howard Stern
Richard Christy
Ronnie Mund
Robin Quivers
8. “Don’t call me ever again on this phone!” – ______________ to Shuli
Tan Mom
Sour Shoes
Jeff the Drunk
Gary Dell’Abate
9. “I think that’s going to be my retirement gig.” – ___________ after hearing Wolfie’s Foot Fetish Party report
Sal Governale
Robin Quivers
Howard Stern
Richard Christy
10. “You are the king of interrupting with useless information!” – _________to Shuli
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
Jason Kaplan
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