Show Rundown: April 19, 2017
Ronnie and Stephanie: A Love Story?
Ronnie and Stephanie: A Love Story?
Jon Leiberman goes “Embedded” with the soon-to-be wedded couple

Jon Leiberman returned Wednesday morning with an explosive report after going embedded with the Stern Show’s own Ronnie “the Limo Driver” Mund and his much younger fiancée, Stephanie.
“This was actually a rescue mission,” Robin joked as the couple arrived in the studio.
Leiberman’s journalistic skills were truly put to the test during his time in the Mund household, as he teased out how exactly the two coexist in the midst of constant profanity and seemingly casual anger from Ronnie. Plus, he got to the bottom of what exactly is happening with the mysterious wedding planning process a year after their on-air engagement.
“The issue that we uncovered was, it’s not that Ronnie doesn’t want to get married in front of people, it’s the financial aspect of it. Ronnie does not want to spend the money on a large-scale celebration,” Jon explained.
Stephanie confirmed that while she is pushing for a venue in Manhattan or Brooklyn with a guest list of 200 people, Ronnie’s idea is to just go down to city hall.
The disagreement over wedding planning wasn’t the only one Leiberman uncovered, either. He observed a resentment from Ronnie over the fact that Stephanie doesn’t cook and clean more. “Ronnie is steadfast in his belief that Stephanie should work less and be home more,” Jon told Howard.
Ronnie disagreed with that assessment to some degree, claiming that while he wanted Stephanie to cook and clean, he wasn’t trying to make her into a housewife. “Her hours are fucked up, that’s all,” he said.
Stephanie, for her part, wouldn’t have it, calling herself “a career woman.”
Jon, meanwhile, noticed something else odd about the way Ronnie spoke during their time together: he began to refer to himself in the third person.
Ronnie thought it was no big deal and tried to brush it off, telling Howard: “I was just trying to explain my life.”
There was one area Stephanie and Ronnie seemed to have no conflict in and that was sexual relations. Despite their 33-year age difference, Stephanie attested to Ronnie’s endurance, telling Howard that they typically engage in sex at least three times a week with extra on the weekends—and she even likes the cock rings. “It hits in the great spots,” she admitted.

In possibly the most shocking revelation of the special, Jon Leiberman uncovered that Ronnie and Stephanie even once had sex in Howard’s limo early on in their relationship. While Stephanie was smart enough to deny it on tape, Ronnie spilled the beans and outed himself.
“You fucked up,” remarked a disgusted Howard.
Ronnie was unrepentant, claiming that he technically owned the limo and, moreover, didn’t leak any bodily fluids onto the seats.
Despite their active sex life, Jon did uncover one deep-seeded fear that Ronnie couldn’t seem to come to terms with.
The 67-year-old believes that there is a chance Stephanie will one day walk out the door telling him, “you’re an old man and I’m done with you,” he revealed.
“He always thinks that he’s going to get really sick and I’m going to go, ‘I don’t want to take care of this,'” Stephanie added. However, she reiterated that if they’ve lasted 10 years already, she isn’t going anywhere.
Luckily, Leiberman also discovered that Ronnie has been going to therapy in an effort to work through some of his issues. His original shrink of nine years retired, leaving Ronnie to reportedly conduct an extensive interview process before ultimately settling on a religious Jewish psychiatrist who Stephanie described as “100 times better” than the first one.
Ronnie and Stephanie plan to finally get married in September of 2018, and while she doesn’t care whether he hits Tootsie’s Cabaret or a brothel for his bachelor party, she simply wants the invite to come along and party. Is that love? Just ask Ronnie who had this to say in closing: “I’m happy we’re together and I’m looking forward to the future together.”