Show Rundown: May 15, 2017
Show Rundown: May 15, 2017
Howard returns from a sick day, Wendy the Slow Adult turns 37, and JD reveals more about his wedding plans
Good Morning Everybody!

Howard returned Monday morning after causing a major stir last week by taking a sick day. Fans and the media were sent into a tailspin of speculation that included someone calling Howard’s mother and a reporter waiting outside of his apartment, hoping to get a statement.
“You’d think you were Waldo or something,” Robin Quivers joked.
Steve from Florida, who infamously showed up at the hospital when one of Howard’s daughters was born, was so worried that he spent Wednesday morning calling the office – as well as various staff members’ direct lines – nonstop. Stern Show Executive Producer Gary Dell’Abate returned his call to offer an explanation for Howard’s absence: “He got bit by a werewolf in London.”
The gullible caller was unfazed by the news and maintained that he knew something was going on. Gary quickly admitted that he was pulling Steve’s leg though, and revealed the true story: “The truth is, physically he’s fine. His apartment was destroyed by a giant lizard,” which breathes fire.
“That sounds very methodical,” Steve concluded.
Hear the full exchange (below).