Quiz: How Well Do You Know Jeff the Drunk?
Quiz: How Well Do You Know Jeff the Drunk?
See if you can remember some of the Wack Packer's most memorable moments
September 7, 2017
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1. Jeff the Drunk’s very first call to Howard came in 1992 after the Stern Show began broadcasting in Jeff’s hometown of _________ for the first time.
Hartford, Conn.
Albany, N.Y.
Syracuse, N.Y.
Pawtucket, R.I.
2. Which singer-songwriter did Jeff sing a duet of “Mockingbird” with live on the Stern Show in 2002?
Carly Simon
James Taylor
Carole King
Stevie Wonder
3. In 2005, Jeff got to meet his idol Willie Nelson live on the Stern Show. Which of Willie’s hit songs did the two perform together on the air?
“On the Road Again”
“Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”
“Always on My Mind”
4. In 2016, Jeff announced his plans to amputate his disabled arm which became permanently paralyzed following a car accident many years ago. Who on the Stern Show staff offered to eat Jeff’s arm if he cut it off?
Jason Kaplan
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
Benjy Bronk
5. In 2005, Jeff’s sister Traci appeared on the Stern Show. What nickname did friends and family lovingly call Traci due to her prowess on the softball field?
6. Jeff has spoken several times on air about a job he once had, stamping patrons’ hands as they entered what?
A nightclub
A maximum-security prison
A public pool
A soccer stadium
7. Before having it removed from his neck, what deformity on Jeff’s body spawned a Stern Show character that often calls in whenever Jeff is on the air with Howard?
The Polyp
The Lump
The Skin Tag
The Cyst
8. A frequent broadcaster on Periscope, Jeff has been known to greet his viewers by saying what?
“Yo yo yo!”
“Here comes Jeff!”
9. In 2017, which fellow frequent Stern Show caller did Jeff the Drunk block from his Periscope channel?
High Pitch Erik
Medicated Pete
Fred the Elephant Boy
10. Which adult film star was Jeff the Drunk unable to successfully have sex with, famously making the excuse, “It wasn’t lubed up properly”?
Jenna Jameson
Tabitha Stevens
Mary Carey
Little Lupe
11. While dressed up in a bikini during a visit to the Stern Show, a potentially life-threatening carbuncle was discovered on Jeff’s _________ that later had to be surgically removed.
Inner Thigh
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