Show Rundown: January 4, 2017
VIDEO: Watch Suzanne ‘Underdog’ Muldowney’s Latin Christmas Concert
Photos: Departed Wack Packers and Superfans, Gone but Not Forgotten
Steve Nowicki Interviews Drunk Revelers at SantaCon
Howard Reflects on the Things He Hated in 2016 … Like Cities and Clowns
Howard Reflects on the Things He Hated in 2016 … Like Cities and Clowns
Hear the montage the King of All Media closed out the year with
January 4, 2017
Before closing the door completely on the year that brought “Hit ’em with the Hein” and Prostate Karaoke to life on the Stern Show, Howard took a moment to also reflect on all of the things he said he hated in 2016.
After listening through once, Robin was surprised by some of the items listed, and even Howard couldn’t remember the context around some of the the soundbites, but he stood by them nonetheless as his co-host laughed.
Check out the full list:

Bungee Jumping

Going to Movies


Going Outside


Music and Stories Together


The Name “Wikileaks”

The Open Sea

What Was Done to Native Americans That Lived in the U.S.

