Show Rundown: July 18, 2017
Check Out High Pitch Erik’s Eye-Opening Live Stream
Check Out High Pitch Erik’s Eye-Opening Live Stream
Longtime Wack Packer offers fans a look into his daily life

Welcome to a day in the life of High Pitch Erik. Stern Show fans have been getting a glimpse into what the Wack Packer’s life is really like with his new live stream which captures everything that goes on in his apartment. Sleeping, eating, arguing with fans – you name it, you can now see High Pitch doing it.
“His belly is, like, glowing in the dark,” Howard said after seeing some footage of Erik sleeping at night.
There was also an incident captured on the web cam that showed Erik demanding his lawyer Vinnie fly him first-class to Atlanta in order to see New Kids on the Block in concert.
“Until you buy me the tickets, I’m not turning the camera around,” Erik said on his live stream after flipping his web cam so that he couldn’t be seen. Erik has already gotten up close and personal with NKOTB after sitting in studio for their Stern Show performance in June.
Stern Show staffer Shuli Egar has been tracking what Erik’s been up to lately and told Howard the Wack Packer still hasn’t learned his lesson not to threaten people – something he’s doen repeatedly on his live stream. In 2016, High Pitch was found guilty of threatening fellow Wack Pack member Fred the Elephant Boy in Special People’s Court.
“He hates the fact that people are watching him but he knows that he has a chance to make some money through this,” Shuli explained as to why Erik keeps his live camera up and running.