Show Rundown: April 3, 2018
Kathy Griffin on the Hollywood Friends She Kept, the Jobs She Lost, and Her New Stand-Up Act
AUDIO: Hear Sour Shoes Break Out His Don Imus Impression in Honor of the Radio Host’s Final Show
PHOTO: Here’s How Deep Ronnie the Limo Driver’s Bulbous Sex Toy Really Went
AUDIO: Hear a Montage of Some of the Finest Phony Birthday Shout-Outs to Make It On Air
AUDIO: Hear a Montage of Some of the Finest Phony Birthday Shout-Outs to Make It On Air
“Today is a very special birthday for Mike Roch …”

It’s always a joyous moment when radio and television hosts read off special birthday shout-outs sent in from their audience, but when prank call masterminds like Richard Christy and Sal Governale get a hold of the request line it can make for some unique broadcast moments.
“We make up phony birthday announcements to fool radio hosts into saying dirty phrases on the air,” Howard explained on Tuesday.
As a treat for fans, Howard unveiled a brand new montage of some of the best shout-outs to ever make it on air ranging from Hugh Jassole to Jackie Knoff. Hear it (below).
Despite the outlandish names, many hosts still read them without realizing the actual phrase they are sounding out. Not even Wack Packer Riley Martin was safe from names like Lou Stool and Sofanda Cox. Hear a classic example (below).