Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 15, 2018
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 15, 2018
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
June 15, 2018
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1. “If I ran for president, I would win, hands down.” _______ considering their chances if they were to run for president in 2020
Alec Baldwin
Billy Corgan
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
2. “Of course you could. Everyone goes through bad times.” ______ agreeing to let Wendy the Slow Adult stay at their house
Angry Alice
High Pitch Erik
Fred the Elephant Boy
Tan Mom
3. “The story is even more fantastical than you think … the person was naked.” _______ giving Howard just a few details of a supernatural experience they once had
Alec Baldwin
Billy Corgan
Robin Quivers
Sal Governale
4. “I can’t get through with him … don’t giggle.” _______ telling JD Harmeyer not to laugh since it was causing them both to laugh uncontrollably
Howard Stern
Ronnie Mund
Ed Torian
Jon Hein
5. “I only know six phrases in Spanish and all of them are ‘don’t throw this,’ ‘don’t swallow that.'” _______ revealing he often disciplines his children in Spanish
Alec Baldwin
Billy Corgan
Will Murray
Shuli Egar
6. “I was ready for it … I had the finger there … my finger was not in my ass the whole time.” _______ admitting to some self-pleasure experimentation involving their finger and a bunch of Vaseline
Richard Christy
Ronnie Mund
Steve Nowicki
Robin Quivers
7. “You hang up first … in a while crocodile … see you later … bye.” _______ after being on the phone with Wendy the Slow Adult so long, he actually went to the bathroom while trying to say goodbye
Gary the Conqueror
Medicated Pete
Jeff the Drunk
8. “I’ve been buying up little things, sometimes very famous artists, for like a hundred, two hundred bucks … the problem is my apartment’s so fucking sunny that watercolors will fade in the sun.” _______ on some of the delicate paintings they’ve purchased recently
Alec Baldwin
Billy Corgan
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
9. “It wasn’t sexual it was being stupid. Yeah, we were drunk … I thought it was funny at the time.” _______ confirming he once placed a marshmallow between his buttocks and then had a college friend eat it
Memet Walker
Steve Nowicki
Richard Christy
Will Murray
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