Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 29, 2018
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 29, 2018
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
June 27, 2018
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1. “When I watched it, I was like ‘Holy shit. That’s a good movie!'” _______ revealing their reaction after seeing the film “Lady Bird” for the first time
Howard Stern
Dave Matthews
Robin Quivers
Will Murray
2. “Take your common sense outside.” _______ after Brent Hatley made a point on air that they were unwilling to accept
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
JD Harmeyer
Memet Walker
3. “I was under anesthesia … I’m sorry but I didn’t mean it.” _______ after admitting to having a sexual fantasy about Gary’s wife Mary
Benjy Bronk
Will Murray
Sal Governale
Ronnie Mund
4. “I didn’t cry but I was very choked up that he actually asked me to do it.” _______ on being invited by NASCAR driver Kurt Busch to attend a special event last weekend
Dave Matthews
Robin Quivers
Brent Hatley
Ronnie Mund
5. “It stings pretty bad and then afterwards, you know, you got to deal with peeing blood.” _______ recalling his uncomfortable cystoscopy procedure he endured recently
Richard Christy
Shuli Egar
JD Harmeyer
Medicated Pete
6. “It looks like my shit. I’m sorry.” _______while looking at a photo of the feces recently discovered on the wall of the Stern Show bathroom
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
Benjy Bronk
Richard Christy
7. “I’ve cleaned off a lot of piss … in that bathroom … I cannot lose that bathroom privilege.” _______ explaining why he often cleans up after his co-workers in the bathroom so that no one accuses him of being messy
Fred Norris
Brent Hatley
JD Harmeyer
Steve Nowicki
8. “All of a sudden I realized I pulled out a Ziploc bag.” _______ telling his tale of once hooking up with a girl and finding a plastic bag inside of her
Memet Walker
Steve Nowicki
Benjy Bronk
9. “I’m trying to sometimes just avoid conversations with people … Up here at Sirius, like, there’ll be all kinds of people in the lobby.” _______ explaining why they sometimes look at the ground and avoid making eye contact with people
Howard Stern
Dave Matthews
Fred Norris
Brent Hatley
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