AUDIO: Richard and Sal Submit More Fake Name Shout-Outs to Promote Howard’s New Book

“Happy 18th birthday to Howard Haights-Dewen Hizz Buhktoor,” one unsuspecting host reads

May 13, 2019
Photo: The Howard Stern Show

Stern Show staffers Richard Christy and Sal Governale are renowned for their ability to prank radio shows with their signature fake name shout-outs and on Monday Howard debuted a brand-new montage of their skilled work.

In honor of the release of “Howard Stern Comes Again” on Tuesday, the dynamic pranking duo submitted a slew of phrases spelled to look like foreign names for birthday shout-outs on various radio stations.

From “Howard Haights-Dewen Hizz Buhktoor” to “Marianne Fromm Brooklin-Skonna Skwert Winshee-Reeds Howard Snubook,” hear which ones made the cut this time around (below).