Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 7, 2019
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: June 7, 2019
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the stern show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
June 7, 2019
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1. “They mold out the body … they’re making the seats, you know, everything … it’s special leather and it comes from special cows.” _______ claiming to know how Bugattis are made before a Stern Show caller told him he got those details wrong
Howard Stern
James Corden
Fred Norris
Ronnie Mund
2. “I’m a contributor … I’m a big thinker.” _______ defending the t-shirt he bought for Howard lauding the fact that “Howard Stern Comes Again” had taken the top spot on the New York Times best sellers list
Richard Christy
Sal Governale
Memet Walker
Benjy Bronk
3. “I did buy you a shirt one time, whenever you were into ‘Napoleon Dynamite.’ I did get you a ‘Vote for Pedro’ t-shirt.” _______ recalling how they too once gifted Howard with a special t-shirt many years ago
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
JD Harmeyer
Sal Governale
4. “That baby’s not my problem. I’m not your daddy … I’m not gonna support that kid. I don’t have any money.” _______ after being told they impregnated a sex robot in a new phony phone call
High Register Sean
Wendy the Slow Adult
5. “I hate metal concerts because of mosh pits. I do not want to be in a mosh pit whatsoever.” _______ weighing whether or not he wants to attend an Amon Amarth concert
Fred Norris
JD Harmeyer
Gary Dell’Abate
Steve Nowicki
6. “There’s so many things that ran through my head because, it’s like, so weird that he would lose right before he beat Ken Jennings.” _______ contemplating if James Holzhauer’s loss on “Jeopardy!” was a conspiracy
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Richard Christy
Jason Kaplan
7. “I follow hot chicks, I’m a guy … I tried to use my head, but I guess it doesn’t always work out so well.” _______ defending liking photos of women on social media despite being in a committed relationship
Ronnie Mund
JD Harmeyer
Sal Governale
Memet Walker
8. “Last night a spider was crawling across my shirt … it went inside my shirt, and then I couldn’t find it.” _______ explaining why he couldn’t stop scratching himself after a spider went missing inside of his clothes
Brent Hatley
Richard Christy
Shuli Egar
9. “It’s almost like a radio play with some of these calls … I’m a better alpha than a twink.” _______ after trying his hand at being a phone sex operator after spending the day with a professional phone sex operator
Chris Wilding
Steve Nowicki
Shuli Egar
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