Show Rundown: January 29, 2020
VIDEO: Comedian Leslie Jones on Leaving ‘SNL,’ Getting Catfished, and Smoking a ‘Booger Blunt’ With Snoop Dogg
AUDIO: Ronnie ‘the Limo Driver’ Mund Struggles Through ‘Cabaret’ Parody
Richard Christy Lays Out the Rules of Eating Roadkill
Richard Christy Lays Out the Rules of Eating Roadkill
“If it’s not old, it won’t stink,” Stern Show staffer explains of eating animals off the road
Roadkill was a constant on the menu during Richard Christy’s childhood in Kansas and the longtime Stern Show staffer appeared happy and proud to discuss it during a “clean out the computer” segment on Wednesday. “A lot of people hit deer like in Kansas and if you hit it, that’s considered roadkill,” the country-bred Richard remarked after Howard played a clip of his dad discussing the matter.
While Howard and co-host Robin Quivers had concerns regarding the freshness of the roadkill, Richard wasn’t the least bit fazed. “My parents drive on the same road a lot so if they see a deer that they didn’t see the day before they’re going to know it’s pretty fresh,” the staffer explained. “If it’s not old, it won’t stink.”
As it turns out, Richard wasn’t the only one in the studio to have ingested roadkill since staffer Shuli Egar once traveled to the Christy family’s farm for the holidays a few years back. “I’m pretty sure one of the meals I had at his parents’ place for Thanksgiving was roadkill,” he recalled.
“You might’ve had raccoon too because my mom makes an awesome raccoon chili,” Richard replied to the astonishment of his co-workers.
Though Shuli was quick to point out how much he liked Richard’s mom and dad, he didn’t quite adapt to the culinary experience. “If there wasn’t tartar sauce I wouldn’t [have] eaten half the things,” he explained. “They served quail and I had to spit the [birdshot] out while I was chewing. There was nothing normal about that Thanksgiving.”
Listen to Richard and his dad discuss the joys of roadkill eating (below).