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VIDEO: JD Harmeyer Is Pissed After Losing His Super Bowl Bets
VIDEO: JD Harmeyer Is Pissed After Losing His Super Bowl Bets
Stern Show staffer loses $150 to Howard and Robin Quivers
February 18, 2020
Howard on Tuesday revealed the results of the staff’s Super Bowl
LIV prop bets and while some on the Stern Show won some money the real story
turned out to be JD’s losses. “JD left the Super Bowl party early because he
was so pissed off about losing bets to Robin,” Howard announced.
Having only made two bets, it was choosing incorrectly that
Doritos would air a commercial before Pop-Tarts that seemed to really perturb the
longtime staffer. “Every fucking year Doritos has a commercial on like in the
first half … this year they wait until the second half,” an annoyed JD observed.
“I don’t even want to eat Doritos anymore.”
“Nah, I knew Doritos would be second,” Robin gloated “I won
big there.”
JD’s only other bet,
that Shakira would open her portion of the halftime show with her hit “Hips Don’t
Lie,” resulted in the same fate. “I told
you you were going to lose that one,” Howard, who won that bet, said to his staffer.
“Yeah I was stupid on that one,” JD admitted. “You want your
money now?”
Fellow staffer Jon Hein, who actually lost more money than
JD, doubled down on his colleague’s disappointment. “He was so upset,” Jon confirmed.
“He texted me during the game, he was so upset.”
When JD threatened to put an end to his betting career, at
least for the show, Howard objected. “But where will I get all my money?” the King of All Media