Stern Show’s Shuli Egar Now Calls Alabama Home
Stern Show’s Shuli Egar Now Calls Alabama Home
Staffer tells Howard of his decision to leave New York City

Sweet home, Alabama?
Citing a decline in his New York City neighborhood, Stern Show staffer Shuli Egar revealed to Howard on Tuesday morning that he recently uprooted his family and moved to Alabama.
“Did you rat on the Mafia?” Howard joked of the decision.
“It was a great neighborhood … but in a matter of three months everything went to shit around us,” Shuli explained of the decision. “My issue was my family didn’t feel safe, my 10-year-old daughter didn’t feel safe, my wife didn’t feel safe, and I made a decision based on my family. I put my family first.”
Shuli went on to say that despite stereotypes he’s heard about the Yellowhammer State, he’s been pleasantly surprised, so far. “I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t know shit about Alabama,” the staffer admitted. You hear Alabama and you assume, you know, rednecks and shit kickers and all this stuff. When we came out here it couldn’t have been more of the opposite.”
Despite concerns about the distance to SiriusXM’s New York headquarters from Howard and longtime co-host Robin Quivers, Shuli remained confident in the change. “If we get to that point where we’re all coming back to that building then we’ll figure something out,” he said. “Right now, I know this is the best case scenario for us as far as stress and worry in our life being turned way down to a minimum if not zero compared to what it was.”