Take the President-Themed Tan Mom Quiz
Take the President-Themed Tan Mom Quiz
Play along with co-host Robin Quivers as she tries to guess how much the Wack Packer knows

The Stern Show held a belated President’s Day celebration Monday morning with a little help from the incomparable Tan Mom.
“In honor of the holiday, we asked Tan Mom some president-themed questions,” Howard announced before inviting listeners to play along and guess whether the Wack Packer might know the answers.
“I’m sure she got through this swimmingly,” co-host Robin Quivers said with a laugh.
Test your Tan Mom knowledge in the quiz (below)!
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What did Tan Mom say Abraham Lincoln was doing when he was assassinated?
“Seeing a Play”
“Chopping Wood”
Which President Did Tan Mom Think Famously said “Read my lips: no new taxes”?
“George H.W. Bush”
“Donald Trump”
Who did Tan Mom say was the current vice president?
“Kamala Harris”
“Barack Obama”
Who Did Tan Mom Guess Was the current commander-in-chief?
“Joe Biden”
“There’s no Commander-in-chief”
Which president did Tan Mom guess succeeded George Washington?
“John Adams”
“Lincoln? No, Lincoln was before”
Which President Did Tan Mom Think was Once a peanut farmer?
“Jimmy Carter”
“Jiminy Carter”
What did Tan Mom Say When Asked to Name America’s first female vice president?
“Kamala Harris”
“That goes way beyond my brain right now”
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