AUDIO: Chris Wilding Plays 2 Seniors Getting Intimate in New Prank Call
AUDIO: Chris Wilding Plays 2 Seniors Getting Intimate in New Prank Call
“I’m not judgmental but that’s disgusting,” host declares as “Buddy” and "Mildred” provide graphic play-by-play

The elderly need love too and on Tuesday Howard debuted a new prank call featuring two lustful seniors who, thanks to receiving their COVID-19 shots, were finally able to reconnect after a long absence. The happy couple, named “Buddy” and “Mildred” and both voiced by staffer Chris Wilding, phoned into a radio show and provided some very graphic details from the comforts of their assisted living facility.
“I’ve finally been able to see my lady friend in here, so I guess you could say the only side effect is huge boners,” “Buddy” told the host with a laugh.
“We got the vaccine, we’ve been fucking like rabbits,” his partner confirmed.
Things got carried away, however, when Mildred’s grandson left his gerbil there after finally being able to visit. “I shoved it up Buddy’s ass,” she confessed. “We didn’t even need lube, the little fucker crawled right up there.”
Hear the full phony phone call (below).