Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: September 18, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
September 18, 2020- 0
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“I like the mustard with a little bit of kick to it.” _______ REVEALING their condiment preferences
howard stern
jimmy kimmel
adam levine
lars ulrich
“I’m insulted even being on here with these motherfuckers.” _______ complaining about the roster of guests at the Wack Pack Happy Hour
mariann from brooklyn
high pitch erik
king of all blacks
jeff the drunk
“Of my professional career, I think it was probably the closest thing I’ve ever had to that out-of-body [experience]. Like, I knew I had the room and I knew I was winning the moment.” _______ recalling a big night in their storied career
howard stern
lars ulrich
adam levine
jimmy kimmel
“I drove over to his apartment and we finally caught up ‘cause I felt bad that we hadn’t seen each other face-to-face in months … we both had masks, we were very careful.” _______ on visiting with JD Harmeyer recently for the first time since quarantine began
Gary Dell’Abate
jon hein
ronnie mund
sal governale
“It keeps the water hot all day. It’s not a plug-in … it’s a carafe.” _______ recommending to howard the thermos they use to keep their liquids hot
fred norris
robin quivers
gary Dell’Abate
benjy bronk
“I just used these terrible thoughts to keep my brain active as I drove.” _______ on the technique they used to stay awake during their summer road trup
jimmy kimmel
lars ulrich
adam levine
jose mangin
“I was baking my edibles. It was all about priorities … obviously I’m in the Wack Pack for a reason.” _______ explaining why they were 30 minutes late to the Wack Pack Happy Hour
high pitch erik
king of all blacks
jeff the drunk
high register sean
“It makes you want to smile and laugh and come all at the same time.” _______ describing their reaction to hearing James Brown’s hit song “Payback”
howard stern
adam levine
lars ulrich
gary dell’abate
“I’ve gotten myself in quite a mess up here … the cops think I have no rights because I’m a celebrity and a movie star.” _______ describing some of their recent troubles
high pitch erik
mark the bagger
medicated pete