Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: September 25, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
September 25, 2020- 0
- 0
“This is crazy what’s going on … Ruth Gator Binsburg died.” _______ attempting to reflect on the passing of Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
king of all blacks
mariann from brooklyn
tan mom
“I just want to go against what everyone else thinks … to me, I just added on to the multiple things I’ve already done anyway.” _______ explaining how they’ve approached their career over the years
howard stern
machine gun kelly
michael rapaport
robin quivers
“I was standing on the balcony with his brother and his brother was wearing a black cape … he had a bushy Tom Selleck-type mustache and he had on these Rick Moranis-style glasses with his hair parted neatly … then it took a left turn.” _______ describing THE DREAM HE HAD ABOUT GARY’S BROTHER
benjy bronk
sal governale
jd harmeyer
memet walker
“When I WAS A LITTLE GIRL … My brother flunked everything AND SO my mother WANTED TO PUNISH HIM AND SHE TOOK AWAY TV BUT she not only took TV away from him, she took AWAY TV from me!” _______ on why they don’t feel the need to be lectured during award shows
robin quivers
jason kaplan
jd harmeyer
“All I did was crank my TV, turn the vacuum on, I started banging and slamming things … and I banged the door and I cracked the door with a shovel.” _______ recalling a recent dispute with a neighbor
high pitch erik
jeff the drunk
mark the bagger
“I surfed one time. I’m really scared of sharks. I wear cologne, maybe the shark’s gonna smell me.”
_______ revealing A FEAR THEY HAVE ABOUT GOING IN THE OCEANhoward stern
machine gun kelly
michael rapaport
fred norris
“I did have a warranty with the store that eliminated.” _______ on buying a whole new playstation rather than waiting to get their current system fixed
jd harmeyer
shuli egar
memet walker
steve nowicki
“I had THE radio blasting, I had my fucking gas pedal to the floor … didn’t even know he was behind me.” _______ DESCRIBING THE HIGH-SPEED CHASE THEY ONCE GOT INTO WITH POLICE
high pitch erik
tan mom
jeff the drunk
“It’s really beautiful … Obviously, like, my lady’s like pheromones and all that is very attractive.”
_______ on their love for women’s feethoward stern
machine gun kelly
michael rapaport
sal governale
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