Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: December 17, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
December 17, 2020- 0
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“That’s your real sex organ … I only use my brain.” _______ explaining how they can experience pleasure purely mentally
robin quivers
fred norris
benjy bronk
memet walker
“It’s inevitable that the clock will run down … I just look at it and think, ‘Well, I’ve just got to have a good time.’” _______ on their approach to life as they get older
howard stern
paul mccartney
george clooney
robin quivers
“The other day I woke up and I said to myself, ‘You know, Howard’s like a dad to me and I want to do what he does.’” _______ on deciding whether or not to take the COVID-19 vaccine
high pitch erik
wendy the slow adult
mark the bagger
medicated pete
“It was 20 minutes, I’m on my knee … finally I said to her, ‘Look, I just need a yes or no because … my hip could go out.’” _______ recalling their rather lengthy marriage proposal
howard stern
paul mccartney
george clooney
fred norris
“Once in college somebody offered me a capsule with something in it and they had tape around the capsule.” _______ remembering some of the riskier drugs people were willing to take in comparison to a coronavirus vaccine
howard stern
robin quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
jason kaplan
“He would put on an album of Beethoven … we took that record off, got the cigarettes out, posted a guard on the door.” _______ on goofing off in class during their teenage years
howard stern
paul mccartney
george clooney
michael rapaport
“One time I lost my glasses in the ocean … she started praying to St. Anthony, I put my hand in the ocean and picked up my glasses.” _______ on how they came to believe in St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things
howard stern
ronnie mund
sal governale
“Selling woman’s shoes is shocking … I’d have to spread blue powder on their corn.” _______ recalling a rather hard job they had in their younger years
howard stern
paul mccartney
george clooney
michael rapaport
“I would like to clarify one thing. I never shit my pants, I fell on my blister.” _______ clearing the air on whether or not they once defecated while in studio
high pitch erik
jeff the drunk
mark the bagger
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