Show Rundown: Tuesday February 23, 2016
Beetlejuice Has A New Business
Beetlejuice Plays the Fives Game
More Celebration of Scott’s 30th Anniversary
Tan Mom Is Quitting the Show
Tan Mom Is Quitting the Show
An account of Tan Mom's fateful phone call with Shuli

Shuli received a voicemail recently from a very upset Tan Mom who claimed that she was quitting the show.
“Hey it’s me, I think I’m just going to quit … I’m so sick of people saying I’m going out with Sal,” she complained.
This is not particularly rare though considering every Wack Packer has threatened to leave the show at one time or another.
The bizarre part was that Tan Mom also left a voicemail asking to go out on a date with “Lemet” (or as most people know him, Memet). “He’s a really great guy and it would be fun,” she explained.
Howard said that Memet has become the office stud as Gay Ramone also left a voicemail looking for a date with him.
Another serial quitter, Jeff the Drunk, called in after Howard played some clips of him blowing an airhorn over his SSI representative after becoming irate. In a hilarious turn, not only did Jeff’s Lump call into to lambast him, but so did his “Black Mole,” Beetlejuice, who was still in the back office.
Later Tan Mom called in to clarify that she was in fact not quitting the Stern Show. “I swear to you – there’s no recollection whatsoever that I said that,” she pleaded with Howard.