Show Rundown: Wednesday May 11, 2016
Show Rundown: Wednesday May 11, 2016
David Spade promotes "The Do-Over" and the staff tries Jim Bakker's apocalypse food bucket meals
Good Morning Everybody!

Howard kicked off the show playing a bit of the Counting Crows live cover of the Grateful Dead’s “Friend of the Devil,” from their appearance on the Stern Show years ago, and noted that he actually likes that version better than the original.
Howard said he ran into Adam Duritz recently and the Counting Crows frontman said they were going on tour. Howard asked if Adam ever gets sick of touring, but Duritz said: “No, I love it.”
Marfan Mike Might Not Have Marfan Syndrome

As listeners may remember, Shuli recently discovered a new potential Wack Packer – one of High Pitch Erik’s old high school classmates named Mike. Since his discovery, the 45-year-old was nicknamed Marfan Mike in honor of his reported syndrome.
Howard wondered what exactly what the affliction entailed.
“I’m very skinny. I have a speech impediment,” Mike explained. And while Howard heard Mike had an oddly shaped head, Mike insisted he did not.
“Howard – he’s got an interesting-shaped head,” Gary maintained as Mike protested. Shuli brought in his photo to settle the dispute.
“You have a very thin head … and then your hair comes to a point,” Howard noted as he studied the picture. Mike insisted that it was just his hairstyle.
In shocking news, though, Mike revealed that doctors aren’t even sure if he has Marfan syndrome. Before they diagnosed him with Marfan, doctors named a new syndrome after Mike, but now they’re reportedly just not sure at all.
Either way, Gary said they tested Mike’s intelligence and he’s way smarter than High Pitch Erik. Shuli added that he gets women sometimes too.
Mike revealed that he masturbates around four times a week, utilizing a unique technique that features a set of wireless headphones and a last-second bathroom sprint.
Wack Pack Ejaculation Habits

In light of Marfan Mike’s masturbation habits, Howard played tape of Shuli asking members of the Wack Pack a pressing question: Where do you ejaculate?
Below are some of the responses.
Bobo: “All over my wife’s chest.”Fred the Elephant Boy: “On my stomach and rub it.”High Pitch Erik: “In the bathroom … standing up [over the toilet]”King of All Blacks:” I can’t masturbate with my dick out. I have to keep it in my underwear and friction it against my leg within my underwear and when I cum, it cums obviously on my leg.”
David Spade Notches Another Classic Appearance

The hilarious and talented David Spade made another classic appearance on the show this morning ahead of the release of his latest collaboration with Adam Sandler, “The Do-Over,” dropping May 27 on Netflix.
From sounding off on Coachella to slipping racy jokes past Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show,” Spade certainly said it all and more during today’s interview. Check out all of the highlights here.
Steve Martin Is Visiting the Stern Show on Monday

As Howard teased this past Monday, Steve Martin has been officially announced as a guest on the Stern Show for Monday, May 16th.
Steve has even started tweeting about it:
I’m negotiating to do Howard Stern on Monday. It’s all down to the money. How much should I pay him?— Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) May 10, 2016
Tune in then on Howard 100 for what is sure to be a monumental interview!