Show Rundown: November 27, 2017
Show Rundown: November 27, 2017
Stern Show staff panel returns to sit in with Howard for the morning
Good Morning Everybody!

On the heels of a historic live Thursday show, the Stern Show’s panel of staffers returned to sit in with Howard, Robin, and Fred on Monday morning.
Gary Dell’Abate, Jason Kaplan, Ronnie Mund, Sal Governale, JD Harmeyer, Brent Hatley, Shuli Egar, and the Lump proved to be a popular combination for fans, who emailed their praise.
“Thursday’s show was hands down the best show of the year. Please do this format more often. Absolutely loved it!” one listener wrote. “Ronnie Mund was the best thing on the Thursday show; he never fails to entertain,” another added.
Howard also got some updates about how the staff spent their Thanksgiving holiday.
JD Harmeyer revealed he visited his fiancée’s family, even staying in an Airbnb with her parents who he gets along “really well” with.
“Being social isn’t my favorite thing to do,” he admitted. Yet, the holiday was nonetheless enjoyable.
Ronnie Mund suggested he throw back a few drinks next time as it tends to make him more social.
Brent Hatley meanwhile got a new tattoo on his leg of a cloven-hoofed devil with a marijuana leaf tail. Check it out (below).