Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: January 19, 2018
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: January 19, 2018
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Howard Fan you really are!
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1. “My doctor prescribed a vape thing — four hits, I’m out.” _______ admitting they smoke marijuana in order to fall asleep at night
Jane Fonda
Lily Tomlin
Jon Bon Jovi
Robin Quivers
2. “I look like a cheetah … I have white patches.” _______ describing his beard while admitting he’s been using makeup to cover up his gray facial hair
Scott Salem
Sal Governale
Jeff the Drunk
3. “I said, ‘What do gentlemen carry?’ And I found, oh, gentlemen carry a knife.” _______ explaining the backstory behind the birthday gift they gave Howard this year
Benjy Bronk
Memet Walker
Robin Quivers
Mariann from Brooklyn
4. “I would’ve seen Jimi right before he died, but I never got to.” _______ retelling the time a friend almost took them to see Jimi Hendrix in concert
Jane Fonda
Lily Tomlin
Jon Bon Jovi
Howard Stern
5. “This song pays tribute to those men, those very, very young men, who gave their lives for us and I tear up as I say that. So, I thank them. I thank the Union and I thank the soldiers on the Confederate side that didn’t believe in it but had no choice.” _______ explaining the song ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ and its connection to Confederate soldiers during the Civil War
Robin Quivers
Ronnie Mund
Brent Hatley
Sal Governale
6. “The real Gary is, he talks to you when he feels like it. … He’s running to the bathroom, he’s running to the bagels, running to … find chocolate somewhere.” _______ after Gary Dell’Abate unsuccessfully tried to make small talk with him
Howard Stern
Jon Bon Jovi
Fred Norris
Ronnie Mund
7. “I really am an animal. I thought I was evolved. That’s what we’re supposed to smell like.” _______ on using ineffective natural deodorant
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
Jason Kaplan
Richard Christy
8. “Nothing shocks me. Nothing.” _______ after his co-workers discovered how many X-rated Twitter accounts he was following
Sal Governale
Benjy Bronk
Ronnie Mund
Memet Walker
9. “I was ashamed to be seen naked. He didn’t seem to mind.” _______ remembering a night long ago that they went skinny dipping with Michael Jackson
Howard Stern
Jon Bon Jovi
Jane Fonda
Lily Tomlin
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