Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 30, 2018
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 30, 2018
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Howard fan you really are!
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1. “There’s just a breaking point … ‘Lungers’ in the sink is fucking it.” _______ recalling one of the biggest conflicts they’d ever had while at work after someone spit in front of them
Geraldo Rivera
John Goodman
Howard Stern
2. “I’m hyping up the fight here! I want to get some people coming.” _______ on their possible upcoming boxing match versus High Pitch Erik
Fred the Elephant Boy
Tan Mom
Speech Impediment Man
3. “The best part about these protest marches, actually: that they walk really slow.” _______ on attending a March for Our Lives rally last weekend
JD Harmeyer
Jason Kaplan
Scott Salem
Jon Hein
4. “I know that you’re gonna be with Bon Jovi in Cleveland … where I now live.” _______ on having a house in Ohio, much to Howard’s surprise
John Goodman
Geraldo Rivera
Mariann From Brooklyn
5. “My skin is so sensitive that if I put anything on my skin … I break out.” _______ after discovering a noticeable blemish on their face this week
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Benjy Bronk
Sal Governale
6. “If they come after me, it’s not gonna be a murder, it’s gonna be a gunfight.” _______ on why they once carried a weapon while on the job
Geraldo Rivera
John Goodman
Richard Christy’s Dad
7. “One time he asked for tickets to one of the shows that was taping in his area and he asked for them on a Wednesday morning … On Thursday morning, he’d already left me a voicemail yelling at me that I was not moving quick enough.” _______ on an experience he once had with Wack Packer Eric the Actor
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
Jason Kaplan
Will Murray
8. “It’s not weird. It’s a part of life, dude. It’s sex … you gotta think up different things.” _______ admitting his penchant for rubbing himself up against a girl’s nipples
Ronnie Mund
Memet Walker
Brent Hatley
Jeff the Drunk
9. “I ran it by three different people and I said ‘Are you sure that this works for Howard?'” _______ after handing Howard a confusing note about a Stern Show guest with curly hair
Fred Norris
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Jason Kaplan
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