Show Rundown: January 14, 2019
Show Rundown: January 14, 2019
Richard Christy spends three months crafting a prank call montage in honor of Howard's birthday
Good Morning Everybody!

Howard celebrated his birthday on Saturday and received messages from friends and family alike for the special day. But, it was Stern Show staffer Richard Christy who once again delivered one of the best birthday presents to his boss: a prank call montage featuring radio hosts giving shout-outs to some unbelievable fake names.
As he did for both Robin Quivers and Ronnie “the Limo Driver” Mund in the past, Richard collaborated with his co-workers to craft a list of fabricated names and worked hard to get them read on radio stations around the country.
For instance, in an attempt to get one host to say “Howard’s fecal matter,” he submitted a shout-out spelled as “Howard Sveikel-Madder.”
“Richard put in three months — a three-month labor of love. Richard even researched towns near the stations to make the announcement sound more legitimate,” Howard told listeners on Monday.
Hear the full montage (below).
Richard equated the excitement in the office when the names would be successfully read on air to NASA’s Mission Control Center. “It was like the greatest thing ever,” he said.
“This is some stellar work, my friend,” Howard praised his staffer.
Even the Wack Pack paid their respects to the King of All Media on his birthday. High Pitch Erik left a message with his entire rendition of “Happy Birthday,” while Sour Shoes rambled on in a message of his own utilizing his popular impression of George Takei. Hear it (below).