Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: February 1, 2019
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: February 1, 2019
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
February 1, 2019
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1. “I think that I was, like, in the ocean and some big wave carried me out and my mom didn’t notice and someone swam in quickly and kind of brought me to shore.” _______ retelling the story of being rescued from drowning by someone famous
Howard Stern
Mark Ronson
David Alan Grier
Gary Dell’Abate
2. “Freeze it and Febreze it—that’s what you gotta do.” _______ revealing he hasn’t washed his only pair of jeans in five years and instead puts them in the freezer every month or so to disinfect them
JD Harmeyer
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
Brent Hatley
3. “She was an excellent dancer … I was in love with her.” _______ recalling the dance class they took with Madonna back in the day at the University of Michigan
Mark Ronson
David Alan Grier
Robin Quivers
Jon Hein
4. “I’m in a senior citizen house now … I’m sleeping on my mother’s couch.” _______ giving Howard an update on where they’re living these days
Medicated Pete
Wendy the Slow Adult
Ass Napkin Ed
Benjy Bronk
5. “There’s, like, a water fountain in the background … I did the interview with him in the lobby of the hotel where we stayed.” _______ telling Howard about his recorded conversation with Medicated Pete in which there was a noisy water fountain heard in the background
Shuli Egar
High Pitch Erik
6. “We had to change the sheets the last time we used it because … I poured it all over.” _______ admitting to making a mess after pouring hot oil from a burning candle all over their significant other
Ronnie’s fiancée Stephanie
Brent’s wife Katelyn
Memet Walker
Steve Nowicki
7. “The first time we hook up … it was a porno-film performance.” _______ recalling the wild night he spent with a famous porn star several years ago
David Alan Grier
Ronnie Mund
Brent Hatley
Jeff the Drunk
8. “I hear this voice, it sounds like Kelly Osbourne on Sudafed.” _______ describing their own unique speaking voice
Mark Ronson
Robin Quivers
Brent’s wife Katelyn
Ronnie’s fiancée Stephanie
9. “How ’bout one day I come in studio and I bring my medical marijuana and me and you smoke?” _______ asking to visit the Stern Show and get high with Howard on the air
Jeff the Drunk
High Pitch Erik
Ass Napkin Ed
King of All Blacks
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