Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 10, 2019
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: May 10, 2019
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
May 10, 2019
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1. “He called me on the phone and I thought it was a prank … I was just really flabbergasted.” _______ on how shocked they were to get a phone call from Elton John
Howard Stern
Maren Morris
Conan O’Brien
Gary Dell’Abate
2. “You’re following in my footsteps, OK? You’re taking all my money away.” _______ complaining about Jeff the Drunk joining Cameo which cut into the requests they’d been getting from Stern Show fans looking for personalized video messages
Tan Mom
High Pitch Erik
Wendy the Slow Adult
3. “I looked it up. It’s in 2021, I gotta get 4,000 signatures.” _______ revealing they might soon get into politics and run for public office
Howard Stern
Conan O’Brien
Jon Hein
Mariann From Brooklyn
4. “I actually hit my toe on something and broke it … It’s fractured. It hurts pretty bad.” _______ describing a recent toe injury and adding they still plan on running in an upcoming half marathon
Maren Morris
Robin Quivers
Richard Christy
Steve Nowicki
5. “I didn’t want to look like complete dog shit … Yeah, I wanted to look good. But I was only icing with one hand.” _______ on putting ice on their eyes to reduce puffiness so they’d look their best for the “CBS Sunday Morning” cameras that were at the Stern Show
Ronnie Mund
Steve Brandano
Memet Walker
Steve Nowicki
6. “I couldn’t keep a secret. It’s hard. It was like breaking news.” _______ after being caught sharing a fake secret Shuli Egar told them was going to be featured in Howard’s new book
Jeff the Drunk
Tan Mom
Medicated Pete
7. “The guy who created ‘Big Mouth’ … he wanted me to be in this cartoon.” _______ on producers wanting them to voice a hormone monster on the Netflix animated series “Big Mouth”
Howard Stern
Conan O’Brien
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
8. “He starts coughing, I mean, turning red in the face. I thought we were gonna lose him at the table.” _______ describing how Ralph Cirella nearly choked while the two were out to dinner with each other recently
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Chris Wilding
9. “The Russian government interfered sev– sev– systematic fashion … identified from Russian oligarch Yevgeniy Pro-heech-a-han is widely reported to have ties to the Russian president Val-da-meer Putin.” _______ struggling to read the Russian names found within the Mueller Report
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Ass Napkin Ed
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